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CWSF 2021

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November 01 - November 30, 2020

Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF), the country’s largest annual youth science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) event, will be going virtual in 2021. Youth Science Canada, organizers of the event, confirmed that the 2021 edition will take place, as planned, with the same components and Ottawa focus, but totally online.

As in previous years, the main showcase of the event will be the Project Zone, which will feature outstanding and innovative STEM projects selected at the regional level across Canada. Each project will have the ability to feature a synopsis and video – visible to judges, fellow finalists and the general public. A group of about 250 STEM academics and professionals will evaluate the projects and select the top entries that will share in the awards, medals and scholarships to be distributed at the Virtual Awards Ceremony.

Launched in 2015, STEM Expo, the largest youth STEM outreach event in Canada, will also return, virtually, in 2021, and will feature inspiring innovations, demonstrations and opportunities in STEM. Cenovus Energy, Intact Financial Corporation, NSERC, Rogers and other STEM leaders will exhibit their trailblazing programs to Canadian students and members of the public through presentations, virtual tours and ample time for questions and answers.

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