Electronic Products & Technology

OrCAD software adds hierarchy, library support

EP&T Magazine   


EMA DESIGN AUTOMATION Team Design for OrCAD 2.0 now supports a hierarchical design methodology, a design process often used for top-down design. A manager or team leader has the ability to assign functional blocks to different team members for concurrent design. Individual engineers can work on their portion of the design independently from others on the team, yet they retain read-only access to the rest of the design. As changes are uploaded back to the master design, a full history of changes is maintained so that reasons for changes are documented, and any portion of the master design can be rolled back to a previous version. Product can manage an OrCAD symbol library in much the same was as it manages a design, as individual symbols or a group of symbols can be extracted and assigned to a team member. After changes are made, the symbols can be promoted individually or in bulk to a central library location.



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