Electronic Products & Technology

Emerson continues to invest in advanced NI T&M products

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Electronics Test & Measurement Engineering Emerson measurement NI test

NI Connect event features several updates to its core software products including AI tools

Emerson’s Test and Measurement business, formerly NI, has reaffirmed its commitment to its comprehensive test approach by unveiling several updates to its core software products, including NI LabVIEW, while unveiling its vision for intelligent test at NI Connect 2024 in Austin Texas this week.

The conference, which hosted customers, partners and industry leaders, showcased Emerson’s newest advancements in NI hardware and software including NI LabVIEW. The upgrades are designed to enhance engineering efficiency, while enabling designers to spend more time on root cause analysis and collaborating across their business, according to Ritu Favre, group president of Emerson’s Test and Measurement business.

Emerson took the opportunity to share its vision for harnessing the power of AI in test and measurement during its NI Connect event, held in Austin Texus this week. Source: Emerson

“Our software-centric, modular hardware approach to test is our unique value proposition and a differentiator for our customers,” said Favre. “We are excited to share our vision for harnessing the power of AI in test and measurement and to continue our commitment to innovate on our industry-leading NI products. Through our innovative, secure and expert-led approach, we will revolutionize intelligent test across the industry.”

To keep a drumbeat of continual improvement in the NI technology and software roadmap, Emerson is committed to ensuring robust support for R&D efforts in core NI-brand products such as LabVIEW and TestStand, and building a comprehensive, connected workflow using complementary products within the NI LabVIEW+ Suite. New NI product advancements unveiled at NI Connect include:


Ritu Favre, group president of Emerson’s Test and Measurement business. Source: Emerson


The latest iteration of NI LabVIEW focuses on collaborative engineering workflows, integrating new features such as enhancements in diff and merge functions, version management and support for calling .NET Core Assemblies (.NET 8).

NI experts demonstrated how AI could be leveraged within development tools such as LabVIEW to increase user productivity. Capabilities include automating code description and documentation – a must-have feature for the common use case of an engineer inheriting code with unclear operation. In addition, the NI team is trialing AI technology with LabVIEW and collecting registrations for a broader program to launch soon.

NI LabVIEW “Community Edition”

Expanding on these investments, the company announced that NI LabVIEW Community Edition, originally introduced in 2019, is now free for students. Parts of NI LabVIEW, starting with Icon Editor, will also become open source to drive greater community collaboration.

NI InstrumentStudio Professional

The company announced NI InstrumentStudio™ Professional, which will launch in July and extend the functionality of the PXI companion software InstrumentStudio to cover a larger portion of the electronic validation workflow, including automation and measurement customization. InstrumentStudio Pro is designed to work alongside LabVIEW and TestStand and will be automatically added to LabVIEW+ suite license holders, improving the value they receive.

NI PXI Hardware

Emerson continues to strengthen its NI PXI hardware portfolio, incorporating recent additions such as the NI PXIe-5633 Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) add-on module, the PXIe-6571 Digital Pattern Instrument and family of new controllers built on 11th generation Intel Core processors. These efforts underscore Emerson’s commitment to enhancing its catalogue of solutions, like the NI Semiconductor Test System (STS), which is celebrating its 10th anniversary.




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