Electronic Products & Technology

Diamond Quanta launches out of stealth mode

EP&T Magazine   

Electronics Semiconductors Engineering Supply Chain diamond-based Diamond-Quanta semiconductors

Diamond-based semiconductor venture seeks to meet the needs of evolving industries

Diamond Quanta, a Palo Alto CA-based innovator in diamond-based semiconductors, has officially launched out of stealth mode. The firm seeks to capitalize on the exceptional properties of advanced diamond technologies to deliver new solutions in power electronics and quantum photonic devices.

Founded by Adam Khan, Diamond Quanta has achieved a significant breakthrough in lab-grown diamond fabrication with its ‘Unified Diamond Framework,’ which facilitates true substituent doping. The technique seamlessly integrates new elements into the diamond’s structure, imparting novel properties without disrupting its crystalline integrity. As a result, diamond—a material traditionally known for its insulating properties—has been transformed into a high-performance semiconductor capable of supporting both negative (n-type) and positive (p-type) charge carriers.

Source: Diamond Quanta

This level of mobility is indicative of a very clean, well-ordered diamond lattice, and effective passivation of scattering centers due to the successful implementation of co-doping strategies that mitigate defect impacts on carrier transport. Moreover, the doping process refines the existing diamond structure by amending dislocations, thereby enhancing the material’s conductivity. These advancements preserve and enhance the diamond structure, avoiding common pitfalls like significant lattice distortion or the introduction of trap states that typically decrease mobility.

Technology that can handle the growing strains

Consequently, this makes the diamond a suitable semiconductor material, as well as a more stable and efficient one, capable of outperforming other materials traditionally used in high-power and high-temperature environments.


“Starting Diamond Quanta and developing this advanced doping process was a necessity. Industries like electronics, automotive, aerospace, energy and more have been looking for a semiconductor technology that can handle the growing strains that come with the evolving needs of their technological expansion,” said Adam Khan, Founder and CEO of Diamond Quanta. “Our technology does not simply offer an alternative material to industries looking for semiconductor efficiency improvements; we are introducing a brand-new material that is set to redefine the standards of performance, durability, and efficiency, which will play an integral role in seamlessly powering the increasingly heavy load of the modern era.”



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