Electronic Products & Technology


‘Gift The Code’ Hackathon

October 21 - October 23, 2016
460 King St. West Toronto, ON M5V 1L7 Show map

Capital One Canada, with the support of Hackworks, will kick off its Gift the Code Hackathon on Friday, October 21, 2016 to Sunday, October 23, 2016. In just 40 hours, over 100 participants passionate about problem solving will brainstorm, build and submit technology solutions to address specific digital challenges faced by six Toronto-based charities.

Driven by the desire to commit as much funding as possible toward their respective causes, local charity organizations often operate on tight budgets which can prevent them from taking full advantage of digital solutions and top-tier technology talent that could help advance their mission even more. The Capital One Canada Gift the Code Hackathon aspires to change this and give participating organizations a much-needed boost.

Hosted by technology expert, Marc Saltzman, the 40-hour coding sprint will showcase the talents of volunteers and Capital One Canada associates as they break into teams to identify digital solutions to challenges from six charitable organizations.

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