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May 11 - May 15, 2020

EDS 2020 Can­celled as of March 162020In light of the cur­rent COVID-19 out­break and its poten­tial impact on the health and well-being of our mem­bers, atten­dees, and staff, the EDS Board has decid­ed to can­cel the EDS Sum­mit this year. Due to the uncer­tain­ty sur­round­ing this pan­dem­ic, we believe this is the only way to ensure everyone’s safe­ty, which is of utmost impor­tance to us. More details about this deci­sion will fol­low. If you have any ques­tions, please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact info@​edssummit.​com.

Electronics Distribution Show – EDS lead­er­ship summit

It is an impor­tant gath­er­ing of the movers, shak­ers and bright­est minds that elec­tron­ic com­po­nent man­u­fac­tur­ers, dis­trib­u­tors and rep­re­sen­ta­tives have to offer.

In an ener­gized, pro­gres­sive atmos­phere, top deci­sion mak­ers come togeth­er to build busi­ness. It’s a forum to plan, dis­cuss new oppor­tu­ni­ties, and reset goals.

The core of EDS is valu­able idea exchange. It hap­pens through high-lev­el strate­gic meet­ings, event func­tions and infor­mal gath­er­ings. Busi­ness rela­tion­ships are rekin­dled and new ones formed.

EDS is more than just one week in May. It is year-round match­mak­ing and plan­ning activ­i­ty that cul­mi­nates in Las Vegas at the EDS Summit.

If you’ve nev­er been to EDS, then you’ve been miss­ing out on some amaz­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. It’s not your typ­i­cal tradeshow envi­ron­ment where all of the action hap­pens on the con­ven­tion floor. EDS is a com­bi­na­tion of sched­uled, one-on-one meet­ings, prod­uct exhibits, edu­ca­tion­al pro­grams and net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties to max­i­mize success.

EDS is a strong­ly sup­port­ed, joint effort by the indus­try’s top mem­ber orga­ni­za­tions: the Elec­tron­ic Com­po­nents Indus­try Asso­ci­a­tion and the Elec­tron­ic Rep­re­sen­ta­tives Asso­ci­a­tion.


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