Electronic Products & Technology

Ericsson propels 5G ‘Made in the USA’

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Electronics Semiconductors Test & Measurement Wireless Engineering Supply Chain 5G factory smart Texas wireless

Swedish-based tech firm expands its smart factory in Lewisville Texas

Ericsson recently hosted an exclusive event at its USA 5G Smart Factory in Lewisville, Texas. The company provided a tour of the facility and hosted programming to reveal the inner workings of the 5G Smart Factory. Attendees included key customers, U.S. Government officials, media and industry analysts. Additionally, Ericsson’s leadership discussed exciting new developments in connectivity as demand for innovation continues to accelerate rapidly to meet the critical need for national 5G infrastructure.

As part of the event, the company announced an additional investment of USD $50 million, following the initial USD $100 million investment announced in 2020, to its award-winning USA 5G Smart Factory. This additional investment will further accelerate local production to address the demand for 5G infrastructure Made in the U.S.A.*, compliant with the Build America Buy America Act (BABAA).

Products are Made in the U.S.A., manufactured in Ericsson’s Lewisville, Texas factory. Source: Ericsson

“This 5G Smart Factory ensures we are working closely to secure fast and agile deliveries to meet US customer requirements, and it has been exciting to see the growth and innovation of our state-of-the-art facility in just a few short years,” said Yossi Cohen, president and head of Ericsson North America. “With this expansion, we can accelerate the production of Ericsson’s advanced Massive MIMO radios and our latest RAN Compute platform, all proudly made in the USA, addressing the evolving demands of our US customers and reinforcing our commitment to technological leadership.”

The highly automated Ericsson USA 5G Smart Factory is currently at the forefront of building the next generation of 5G infrastructure in the United States. The expanded 300,000-square-foot highly automated smart factory employs more than 500 people. This expansion will allow Ericsson to deliver existing and new radios and basebands (RAN Compute) for major US customers from the US factory, including Open RAN-ready products.


Ericsson’s USA 5G Smart Factory opened in 2020 to support the early waves of 5G deployments and has been shipping 5G network products, including 5G and Massive MIMO radios, to all tier-one communications service providers in the US. This expansion further cements Ericsson’s strategy to meet demand for the latest and most advanced 5G from its largest US customers with 5G Made in the U.S.A.


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