The 555 circuit calculator and simulator iPod app
Electronics CELThomas Gruber has introduced an app for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad that performs 555 timer circuit calculations and simulations.
The app provides 10 different circuits, shows results in "real-time" when values are changed and has two pages with electrical characteristics and packages. It also goes into details of the various key circuits of the 555 timer IC and offers slider inputs for resistor and capacitor values, as well as TACT switches and LEDs to simulate the behavior of the various circuits.
List of Calculators:
# Monostable Operation:
for doing simulations with the 555 Timer IC in monostable mode.
# Bistable Operation:
for simulating a circuit with the 555 Timer IC wired for bistable operation.
# Astable Operation:
for simulating an astable operation with the 555 Timer IC.
# Bistable Operation:
to show the 555 Timer IC wired as bistable multivibrator.
# Voltage Comparator:
for using the 555 Timer IC as a voltage comparator.
# 10 Step Counter:
for simulating and calculating a 10 Step Counter with the help of the 555 Timer IC.
# Knight Rider:
for simulating the implementation of a Knight Rider LED light with the 555 Timer IC.
# Heads Or Tails:
a simple application to output random values with the 555 Timer IC.
# Sequential Timer
for simulating and calculating a sequential timer with two 555 Timer ICs.
# Electrical Characteristics
to provide a quick overview of the electrical characteristics of the 555 Timer IC.
# Package And Pinouts
to show packages and pinouts of the various types of 555 Timer ICs which are available from semiconductor companies.