Electronic Products & Technology

Ultra-accurate, high-stability TCXO


Electronics CEL

Epson Toyocom Corporation announced the development of a highly accurate new TCXO (temperature-compensated crystal oscillator) that has an OCXO-class frequency/temperature coefficient of +/-0.1 x 10(-6), enabling power and space saving in telecom network equipment. Samples of the new TG-5500CA oscillator are scheduled for availability in December 2009.

Reference clocks used in ultra-compact cellular base stations for home and office use require high accuracy, with a frequency/temperature coefficient of +/-0.1 x 10(-6) or better. Core telecom network equipment, meanwhile, requires stability of +/-4.6×10(-6) over a period of 20 years. Obtaining this class of frequency tolerance/stability normally requires the use of a highly stable oscillator in the OCXO (oven-controlled crystal oscillator) or atomic oscillator classes.

The new 7.0 x 5.0 mm TG-5500CA, in addition to being equipped with a QMEMS crystal unit, has an original structural design that takes into account thermal conductivity and stabilizes the frequency/temperature coefficient and long-term aging characteristics. In addition, frequency-stability characteristics that affect the quality of transmissions, such as temperature tracking and frequency fluctuation, have also been dramatically improved compared to our conventional 7.0 x 5.0 mm TCXOs

This improvement enables frequency tolerance/stability that is one rank above that of current TCXOs. The TG-5500CA is now easily used in applications that were formerly reserved for OCXO-range devices. Using a TCXO instead of an OCXO can significantly help reduce the power consumption and the ultimate size of systems.

Main Features


– Ultra-high stability, with a frequency/temperature coefficient
of +/-0.1 x 10(-6)
– Excellent hysteresis characteristics
– Long-term frequency ageing characteristics (+/-3.0 x 10(-6)
over 20 years) meet Stratum 3 requirements
– Good temperature tracking and minimal frequency fluctuation



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